darkFlash Shows DY450/DY450L Cases, AIO Water Cooler, Mechanical Keyboards, and Other Accessories at Computex 2024

06.06.2024 в 19:14,
Hard news

At Computex 2024, DarkFlash, maker of PC hardware and accessories, unveiled the DY450 and DY450L computer cases. The DY450 and DY450L boast a versatile design that supports ATX, Micro ATX, and ITX mot

herboards, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of builds. While the DY450 offers ample interior space with dimensions of L451 x W258 x H491 mm, the DY450L takes it a step further with slightly la ...

Автор: AleksandarK
Источник: https://www.techpowerup.com/323337/darkflash-shows-dy450-dy450l-cases-aio-water-cooler-mechanical-keyboards-and-other-accessories-at-computex-2024