NVIDIA Computex 2024 Recap : Rubin GPU Architecture Unveiled Along With Huge RTX AI PC Developments

09.06.2024 в 15:20,
Hard news

NVIDIA's Computex 2024 keynote, delivered by CEO Jensen Huang, has set the high threshold for the event in Taiwan. Here is what the event mainly covered, focusing on the next phase for AI. NVIDIA's CE

O Jensen Huang Pulls Off An "AI Masterstroke" In This Year's Computex, Announces Major AI Developments For Consumers & Clients For starters, NVIDIA's keynote started a bit slow with a general talk ...

Автор: wccftech.com
Источник: https://wccftech.com/nvidia-computex-2024-recap-rubin-gpu-architecture-unveiled-huge-rtx-ai-pc-developments/