(PR) IDC Forecasts Artificial Intelligence PCs to Account for Nearly 60% of All PC Shipments by 2027

09.02.2024 в 10:55,
Hard news

A new forecast from International Data Corporation (IDC) shows shipments of artificial intelligence (AI) PCs - personal computers with specific system-on-a-chip (SoC) capabilities designed to run gene

rative AI tasks locally - growing from nearly 50 million units in 2024 to more than 167 million in 2027. By the end of the forecast, IDC expects AI PCs will represent nearly 60% of all PC shipments wo ...

Автор: AleksandarK
Источник: https://www.techpowerup.com/318911/idc-forecasts-artificial-intelligence-pcs-to-account-for-nearly-60-of-all-pc-shipments-by-2027