(PR) MIPS Expands RISC-V Ecosystem Support to Enable Early Software Development for Multi-threaded Cores

04.04.2024 в 16:23,
Hard news

MIPS, a leading developer of efficient and configurable IP compute cores, today announced that it has expanded its collaboration with Synopsys, Inc. to accelerate ecosystem enablement of MIPS RISC-V I

P and their customer's ability to innovate compute without constraints. MIPS will showcase MIPS' RISC-V IP Core technology utilizing the Synopsys ImperasFPM Fast Processor Models and the Synopsys Impe ...

Автор: btarunr
Источник: https://www.techpowerup.com/321172/mips-expands-risc-v-ecosystem-support-to-enable-early-software-development-for-multi-threaded-cores